Photo of Rosanne Choong

Rosanne Choong

Cheerleading: President

Hellooo fellow Titans!

You're all probably sick of seeing my messages forcing you to socialise, so I’ve chosen a new role to go for next year. I know what you’re thinking, how can such a tiny human go for such a big role? Well, I can safely say, what I lack in height, I can make up for in presence.

I love Cheer- even if I still struggle to carry mats without them toppling over. I would love to make it as enjoyable for you too, some ideas I have are:

- Mat schedules pre and post-cheer sessions to ensure this is evenly split

- Elevating the presence of Imperial Cheer on social media.

- Surveys for what we could improve

As Social Sec this year, as much as I do love being feral, I do also love being organised- you probably noticed from my frequent use of a laminator? I have had a taste of commitee and it would be a privilege to be your new president. Thus, I have various ideas for improving all aspects of Cheer, ultimately ensuring that everyone’s voices are heard and we are flying high! Pat has done an incredible job and it would be an honour to follow in her footsteps.

Rosanne xoxo

PS: I promise I'll try and practice putting mats the right way.