Photo of Adam Kassam

Adam Kassam

Soup Run: Soup Run Treasurer

I, Adam Kassam, am excited to announce my candidacy for the treasurer position on the Soup Run committee. My experience in charitable work, coupled with my proficiency in financial management, make me well-suited for this role.

Specifically, I have a track record of effectively recording and managing finances for charitable activities. Notably, during a six-week fundraising effort at school, I spearheaded our house's flagship pizza-selling event, generating over £4000 for the DEC Pakistan Appeal. I meticulously handled tasks such as ordering supplies, managing cash/card transactions, and calculating profits, showcasing my ability to fulfil the duties of a treasurer.

Furthermore, my dedication to charitable causes is evident through my ongoing involvement with Soup Run. I am committed to strengthening our partnership with CoA and expanding our impact through initiatives like increased cooking sessions to provide hot meals regularly. I feel that my involvement with the regular volunteering sessions on Sundays and a cooking session a few weeks ago have been genuinely insightful and rewarding experiences.

I am confident that my organisational skills, strong work ethic, and problem-solving abilities will contribute to the success of the committee and its financial management.

I humbly request your support and that you vote for me as your Soup Run treasurer. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me via email or social media (@adamkassam0).