Photo of Aishah Anjum

Aishah Anjum

Medical Education: Webmaster

Hello! I'm Aishah, and I’m a medical student running for the role of Webmaster. With medicine being such a challenging course, I deeply appreciate the existence of societies like MedEd and have personally benefited from the tutorials provided by them. I would like to contribute to MedEd by enhancing the website's functionality and accessibility to aid fellow students.

Having to rely solely on myself and digital learning resources to self-study A-Level Chemistry in my gap year during the COVID pandemic, I have come to value the importance of technology in knowledge dissemination. I believe this also shows my ability to rapidly and independently grasp information – a skill I could implement for learning the technicalities required for this role, such as website management via Wix and programming languages like Python.

Furthermore, this role requires skills such as teamwork, organisation, and commitment which I’ve honed through being the current representatives for both the Horizons Department and Spanish Languages. Being webmaster also requires a creative eye for design, which I have demonstrated by achieving 100/100 marks in my GCSE Art exam.

If elected, I would focus on redesigning the website to improve user experience, making it easier for members to access educational resources. I would prioritize ensuring that all MedEd resources are readily available on various digital formats. Additionally, I would actively seek feedback on the current user interface (UI) from peers to ensure continuous improvement, collaborating closely with other committee members throughout the process.

Thank you for considering me!