Photo of Joachim Gabriel

Joachim Gabriel

Lacrosse: Tour and Stash Officer

After doing Dev Squad this year, I’ve realised that our stores are an absolute mess and that no one knows what’s going on in them. I want to clean them up and make life easier for next year’s captains.

Apart from our fleeces (which are beautiful btw), our club stash is looking a bit boring. I’d like to add a few more items to the collection, keeping the high standards set by previous merch releases. I will reorder fleeces for anyone that missed out this year, and I am open to suggestions about what other items we should add to the store.

Despite all this, I won’t forget about our annual tour to Kazakhstan. Tour is one of the best weekends of the year, and I would be very happy to organise it. A trip to Astana is looking well on the cards, and I hope it’ll be as fun as the parts of the last 2 tours that I can remember :-/

Maybe we’ll even have a return of international tour?

Lax love,
