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Netball (ICSM): 5th Team Captain

Hi, it’s Pippa here :)) I’ve loved being a member of ICSM netball this year and would love to give back next year by being your next Socials Captain!!

This past year, I have been an active member of the #squad, both on and off the court. Despite my severe commitment issues, I’ve been dedicated to trainings, games and (most) sports nights. As Socials Captain, I’ll be just as committed to netball. My competitive spirit and great time management (as can be demonstrated by my sports night half pints) will allow me to be an enthusiastic leader at every training and game. I’ll be living right next to Latymer, so I’ll be early to every game and get inspiration from Rhianne by bringing fruit pastilles to energise us for all our wins (they’re so iconic). I’ll also be organising many super fun social socials to allow our team to bond and build team spirit. From post-game wilmos (to grieve our losses celebrate our wins) to wine picnics and cocktail nights, whatever you guys want to do!

Netball has been a big part of my life, I’ve been playing since I was 9, and I hope to help others grow and improve their skills as Captain. I also aim to improve as a netball player myself by learning from my teammates, and hopefully improve my crippling stamina too.

Please vote for me for Socials Captain and I’ll love you forever!!


Pippa <333