Photo of Alice Pooley

Alice Pooley

Netball (ICSM): 5th Team Captain

Hi everyone :) I’m Alice, I’m a second year and I would love to be your socials captain next year!

Since being on the socials team this year, I’ve seen the impact of a supportive captain encouraging the team. Watching Rhianne be everyone’s biggest cheerleader at all training sessions and games has inspired me to want to continue this positive attitude in leading the team through each game and keeping up the motivation during training.

As I’ve attended most sports nights + trainings + games, I know how important it is to show up for the team and as captain, I would encourage everyone to attend as many as possible. I’m organised and approachable, so I would welcome all freshers and new members and help them to become integrated into the team by planning lots of fun socials like dinners, sleepovers and boozy (or non-boozy) activities! Although I joined a year late, I have felt so welcomed by everyone in netball, and had so much fun at sports nights and socials. I hope to continue the positivity of socials team and support all the players in enjoying netball as much as I have! I think I will contribute to committee and be reliable in a captain’s responsibilities.

Thank you for reading,

Alice <3