Photo of Carleo Zhu

Carleo Zhu

Chemical Engineering: Alumni Officer

Hi everyone! My name is Carleo and I am currently in 1st year. Just as many other 1st years, I really enjoy the sheer volume of events that our ChemEng society has offered us right from the beginning of our journey at Imperial College. My favourite event was the Alumni Career Panel, where past graduates who are now working as a project engineer, working in consultancy firms, working in the investment banking industry, or working on PhDs were invited to talk about the pros and cons of their career journey. This heavily informational event gave me a real insight into which career path I want to choose and how I want to spend my time to build up my CV in the future.

As a result, I would love to organise more of such similar events for our department in the future, and now I am standing for the Alumni Officer role for our lovely ChemEng society! My main goal is to look for as many alumni from different industries as possible, and get them to talk about their journey on how they end up in their current job positions. I believe the earlier we can lessen this knowledge gap in career planning, the easier it is for our ChemEng peers in different years to structure a clear path to build up their CV.

Please vote for me if you want to gain more insights on how to work towards different industries and listen to more stories from our alumni!