Photo of Masao Matsuura

Masao Matsuura

Squash: Vice Chair

As a vice president, I am very excited to be able to reform and better the society, while maintaining the fun and integrity of the society. Having been in the society for a year, it's been very fun and insightful since it was my first time in a sports society, and seeing people's passion for sports was something that I thought was very cool. I'd like to contribute to this picture and make everyone's time smoother, as well as making the society more popular and interactive. I have lots of thoughts in mind to improve some holes of the society, including more social events, making sure the court times and matches are smoother, as well as posting more on social media which is important for the growth of the society.

Further, I have experience in all these aspects since I was event officer for Japanese society with nearly 200 members, where I organised events, ran social media posters, attended meetings for the smooth running of the society, and booked venues for things like meals so I'd like to help the other committees with these respective roles as well.

I also am friends with Rui who is likely to be chair this year, and as vice-chair this will facilitate much clearer communication to be able to discuss the future of the society.