Photo of Louisa Kenny

Louisa Kenny

Triathlon: Run Co-Captain

After catching a serious case of the running bug this past year, I would love to take on the role of Run Co-Captain for Triathlon. In this role, I hope to maintain the inclusive and fun environment of the club that supports every runner and whatever their adventures and goals include. Here are some of the initiatives I would love to bring:

  • Monthly long runs - I propose organising monthly long runs catering to various distances and paces, always ensuring there's a Spoons at the end of it :) It will be a great opportunity to build endurance whilst exploring some trails and seeing the sights!

  • Parkrun hopping - Recognising that our members are spread across the city, it would be great to explore different park runs, including Wormwood Scrubs, Richmond and Battersea (when it comes!).

  • Continuing the well-established slowcial - While I can't promise to keep the rain away as impressively as Remy, I can guarantee a chill pace and mediocre chat during a leisurely run in Hyde Park.

  • Maintaining Links with ICXCAC: Keeping up the collaboration with ICXCAC for intervals, circuits and core/yoga sessions to boost our training!

Additionally, I will use my experience as Secretary this year to work collaboratively with fellow committee members to keep the club up and running (quite literally!). Thank you for considering me for the role of Run Co-Captain. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the growth of this amazing society whilst strengthening the vibrant running community within it :)