Photo of Silvia Mijangos

Silvia Mijangos

Pharmacology: Secretary

Hi everyone,

My name is Silvia, a 2nd Year Biochemistry student, and I’m excited to run for the position of Pharmacology Secretary. With a dedication to advancing pharma knowledge and learning opportunities for STEM students, I am confident that I will make great contributions to the Soc.

I am organised and outgoing, as well as a good team player. As secretary, I aim to bring a fresh, innovative mindset to bring ideas to fruition and to hopefully increase the outreach of the Pharma Soc. If elected, I want to:

  • Organise more events focusing on the most popular suggestions and ground-breaking research being currently conducted.
  • Increase collaboration with other societies from imperial, and potentially with other universities too.
  • Increased social media presence, done by working with the publicity officer to ensure effective marketing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and hope I’ve been convincing enough to get your vote!!

All the best,
