Photo of Yugo Senda

Yugo Senda

Japanese: Language Director

Konnichiwa! I am Yugo Senda, a first year undergraduate student studying physics. I have truly enjoyed the JAPSOC experience this year, and I hope that I can work to be a reason people enjoy JAPSOC next year through being a language officer.

First, I have a lot of experience in teaching. At the moment, I teach Japanese kids ranging from 8 to 17 years old English where I learned how to teach people of a variety of skill levels. I also teach IB level physics, where I decide everything from what resources we use to the schedule. Being a student council president in high school gave me a strong foundation in organization skills as well as listening to my peer's voices.

Next, what I would like to achieve as a language officer next year. I had multiple conversations with people wanting to or learning Japanese already, and realised that they were mostly interested in pop culture, such as anime or Japanese songs. Of course learning academic Japanese is important, but I want people to remember the joy of studying something for the fun of it, and to be able to apply what they learned to their passions by integrating such topics in lessons.

Finally, I would be honoured to enhance the experience of learning Japanese, a beautiful language rich of culture and history. And above all, to make the experience of being in JAPSOC as great as possible, like our senpais of the committee this year. Sayonara!