Photo of Evan Zhang

Evan Zhang

Badminton (ICSM): Vice President

Hi, I'm Evan, a 3rd year medicine student and I'll be running for vice president of ICSM badminton for this coming year!

Having joined in first year, this marks my third year as a part of ICSM badminton.

For the past year, I have had the pleasure of serving as Treasurer on committee, meaning I already have a good understanding of how the society operates/ what each role entails and am already familiar with many of those in the society whom are applying for roles for the next year. As well as this, my role as treasurer has afforded me experience in using the eActivities platform and as well as working with ICSMSU.

I would like to build on my role as ICSM Badminton treasurer by assuming a bigger role in the society as Vice-President. In this role, I will endeavor to assist the President of the society in any way that is required, as well as providing support for all other committee members should it be necessary.

As well as this, as Vice-President I will be in charge of organising both the annual international tour and the freshers fair, both of which I have attended/ helped out at in the past. I will ensure that these events are both organised well in advance and accessible to all members at both the team and social level.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto, and I hope I can count on your vote!