Photo of Beata Chui

Beata Chui

PASS: Treasurer

Hi everyone, I am Beata, currently a first year medic, and I would like to run for treasure in the next academic year.

Reasons for being ICPASS committee

  • Acquire different skills eg analytical skills, time management
  • Enjoy working as a team (hosting flagships, leading sub-coms)
  • Networking opportunities and meeting other students from different unis

Why do I want to run for treasurer?

  • Enhance my financial management skills
  • Deepen my understanding towards decision making

Qualities and skills possessed

  • Leadership and Teamwork
  • Developed organisational and communication skills

Your goals and responsibilities as the treasurer

  • Budgeting and financial planning
  • Manage bank account
  • Ensure each division runs smoothly
  • Monitor and record transactions
  • Work with other members to fulfil the team’s need

Past experience

  • ICCS Vshow treasurer
  • Vice captain of my school’s badminton team