Photo of Elizabeth Hassan

Elizabeth Hassan

Dodgeball: President

N*cholas M****h Supports this Bid for Presidency

(I mean, maybe, I haven’t asked him)

After 2 years of aggressive campaigning, and some solid results in both positions of Tour Secretary and Women’s 1s Captain – ‘Best Cheerleader 2023’ as voted by the people is once again looking for your votes.

Coming in with 0 financial experience in running anything, I’m sure that I will tackle the budget with a lot of pizzazz (and maybe fewer emojis than Miles – but no promises). I won’t pretend I understand tax rates, but that’s what a competent treasurer and google is for. Plus I graduate next year lol – good luck.

Continuing the tradition of presidents living with former president Sam Andresen (I was more of a squatter if we want to be technical), I think I bring a lot to the table (like maybe being the only candidate?) more so than RON (I hate that guy) whose attention is already divided with the many committee roles he’s surely going to get this election cycle.

But seriously, I’m a super duper committed member of this club (despite never setting a pint time) and I pretty much go to everything. I’ve dedicated myself to all the roles in this club I have taken on officially and unofficially (and I haven’t had a welfare complaint filed against me yet - 22/02/24). So basically all pluses.

See you at elections team xxx