Photo of Paula Bromkamp

Paula Bromkamp

Book: Chair

Hi everyone, I am Paula a third-year chemistry student and I will be running for the position of chair of book club. As some of you might know I have been part of book club for the last 3 years and have been on the committee for the last 2 years, first as secretary 2022/23 and currently as chair 2023/2024. I really enjoyed my time on the committe especially as chair and loved representing us to other societies as well as the union and other third parties such as our esteemed partners at the South Kensington bookshop.

Obviously, I love books and have my favourite genres but the reason that makes me love book club, apart from all of you, is that I am ‘forced’ to read books I wouldn’t usually pick up. Therefore, I am not aiming to incorporate huge changes in the way our monthly meetings are run and would only try to increase the number of social events like trivia night or Christmas dinner.