Photo of Nandita Suresh Babu

Nandita Suresh Babu

Indian: Head of Marketing

Namaste Guys! I’m Nandita Suresh Babu, and I’m standing to be your Head of Marketing next year.

Considering the position I’m running for, marketing myself should be right down my alley. But let’s be honest, why should you vote for me? I’ll mostly be working behind the scenes with the committee anyway.

Indian Society has helped me create some of my most treasured memories amongst a community that makes me feel at home. Beyond trying my best to distract you from your immensely packed schedules to attend every event conducted, as your Head of Marketing, I aim to make sure each member gets the opportunity to create and share more treasured moments convinced by creative trailers, behind the scenes videos and detailed insider information about every event.

I’ve dedicated about 2 to 3 years in high school to designing social media posts, posters, presentations and magazines on Canva along with content creation and video editing of social media channels in Youtube and Instagram. I’m part of the subcommittee this year, and organizing events with fellow members has been one of my year's greatest highlights. I'd love to continue being an integral committee member for the society next year while effectively bringing the creative marketing of all events under one wing.

If you’d like someone creative, engaging and interactive as the Head of Marketing for the Indian Society and if you want to join us in trolls, reels, flash mobs and more - you know who to vote for!