Photo of Chakshu Chopra

Chakshu Chopra

Indian: Head of Marketing

As Head of Marketing, my aim would be to make our events and marketing so irresistible that people from all types of backgrounds are drawn in to have fun and spread our influence. I would check that all our social media campaign material is the definition of perfection, and if you leave a question or a comment about the society I'll reply within a second.

My strategy? To embrace diversity and listen to the people. Through your feedback I will work with my team to develop memorable campaigns that'll have you throwing your rupees at them.

This position shapes views and increases sales, and I am ready to handle any hard work that comes along it, including the stress of managing the team, allocating roles and making sure all marketing material is effictively distributed. I do also have experience with creating content on multiple platforms, with my 2020 Tiktok fame era.

And hey, my Indian roots? Not just for show. I'll sprinkle some masala magic on our marketing material to make it sing to your soul. Throughout this year, I have connected with people through multiple Indian Society events, and I know as a fresher I would want multiple socials to meet new people. I would want to bring together desi people and build memories together. I have ideas about future events that I know will hit all of these points, and will make this society even better.

(I can also speak Hindi fluently)

Jai Hind!