Photo of Damla Kose

Damla Kose

Women in SET: Event Organiser

Hello everyone! I’m Damla and I’m running for Event-Organiser! I’ve been on WSET committee for 2 years, currently as Event Organizer and IWD Manager.

Last year, I launched IWD Academic Talk series, hosting female academics from Imperial, and planned an outreach event for term 3 for underprivileged girls in Kent, collaborating with EWB. This year, I organized social events like Bonfire Night, outreach event with Women in MechEng Soc and my favorite event IWD Formal Dinner.

For next year, I aim to...

  • Organize more workshops and talks to acquire necessary skills for job/PhD applications with our sponsors and Imperial academics
  • Organize hackathons/designathons/ideathons to apply these skills
  • Organize outreach events collaborating with charities and Imperial societies to empower young girls in STEM
  • Create networking opportunities to meet like-minded people from Imperial and even other universities
  • Organize formal events open to all female and non-binary Imperial student and staff, as IWD reception, to create closer and more supporting connections among them
  • Improve diversity in society by welcoming different background, gender and department (even math that is not included in SET)
  • Organize events for male supporters aiming to reduce gender gap in Imperial

As the founder of The Hypatia Initiative, I led six international projects by working with 32 ambassadors from 11 countries; therefore, I am experienced at launching and leading projects/events to empower women in STEM. Also, as Vice President of EWB Imperial, I organized various outreach activities as Great Exhibition Road Festival and outreach with underprivileged schools.

Thanks for considering me!