Photo of Szonja Skenderovic

Szonja Skenderovic

Women in SET: Event Organiser

As an event organiser, your goal is to show people the opportunities they have. This is especially true as an event organiser for female societies in STEM universitites. Being in courses where we are outnumbered by men can lead to us feeling overwhelmed, and can make us lose confidence. My goal is to not let this happen.

Through the events I organise, I want to highlight all the different opportunities in STEM, so that we can all be the in control of our futures. I will make this happen through a variety of events, so that everyone can find something that is up their alley.

  • I plan on organising industry-specific events, so that we can all get what we are looking for when signing up.
  • I will organise events showcasing women-led startups.
  • I will host events in collaboration with other London universities.
  • I will hold a variety of informal events, so we can all try out new things while meeting with like-minded people. These will range from season-specific activities to cosy events focusing around de-stressing in final season.

And lastly, I want to make everyone feel comfortable at networking: I will organise frequent networking events, both formal and informal, with students from other universities present.