Photo of Inigo Serjeant

Inigo Serjeant

Surf: President

As far as I'm aware, the only person I'm running against this year is Ron, so here's some reasons why you should vote for me over Ron...

1) I've heard from multiple sources that Ron has been dropping in on people all year and getting in the way of everyone's waves, however, as president, I promise to only drop in on someone when it is absolutely necessary (when Luca is on a sick one).

2) Ron's been missing a few too many trips and socials recently... Every trip I think, this community is great, but then I go back to uni and don't see anyone again until the next trip. As president, I want to change that get people socialising throughout term time.

3) Ron doesn't think beginners should be part of the society... In general, the world wide surf community can be a bit elitest and unfriendly to beginners. That is not the case in IC Surf, and it never will be. Together we can make it an inclusive society for everyone!