Photo of Adam Ulhaq

Adam Ulhaq

Physics: Vice President

Hi, my name’s Adam and I’m a second year physics student. In my first year, Physoc was always something which I’d have to be reminded existed. This year, it has been far more active and I want to play a role in helping to accelerate Physoc's transformation into a society which is present in every faucet of student life. I think it's sad that its existence is only acknowledged when big events are being hosted, and I think it would really bring a sense of community to the course if Physoc colours decorated the halls of Blackett and if we as students regularly engaged with a society of peers with similar interests. These are some of the proposals I would like to introduce in the committee meetings as VP.

Additionally, as VP I would efficiently delegate tasks among committee members and support the policies in the president’s manifesto. I would also help to regularly organise committee meetings and contribute ideas I think would be beneficial to the society and its students.

If you like the sound of this, vote for me!