Photo of Zijun Chen

Zijun Chen

Physics: Vice President

Hello physicists, if I am elected as vice-president, I will strive to:

1. Organise more events that directly benefit all students in the department, including but not limited to free lunch.

2. Keep Physoc from bankrupt by finding more external sources of funding and always push for as much funding as possible from the department, the college, and the union.

3. Continue the fine traditions as established by previous physics committees. Such as Physics parents, Christmas dinner, and tours to the labs within the department.

4. Organise more career talks and compile more resources to better help students find a UROP or an internship or a job.

5. Organise more fun tournaments to make day-to-day life more interesting in physics.

6. Total transparency and a full list of events planned at least partially confirmed 1 month in advance (email on the rough idea behind the event as well as the rough date of the event), and fully confirmed at least 2 weeks in advance.

7. Fit all events within the busy schedules of all year groups (strive for 0 clashes with lectures, seminars, labs, tutorials, and office hours)

8. Through better queue management techniques, decrease the overall queueing time and make sure there is enough food for everyone present.

Together we shall make the time we spent in the physics department something we will think back on as the best memories of our lives, thank you.