Photo of Senara Jayasekera

Senara Jayasekera

Hockey Womens (ICSM): Tour Secretary

Hi everyone!

I’m Senara and I would love to be your tour sec next year! I have absolutely loved being a part of hockey this year and I would love the opportunity to get even more involved in the club.

Being on RAG and halfway dinner committee this year I have some experience organising and planning big events which will hopefully prepare me for planning two of the biggest events in the hockey calendar ;)

My main aims would be to make tour as affordable (and safe) as possible, thinking carefully about location and accommodation. I would also try and set out a date early so as many people as possible can make it! I would also organise lots of fun activities so we can slay the day away (as charlotte would say).

I would love to carry on the amazing work Ria has been doing and I can’t wait to be sipping cocktails on a beach somewhere with you ladies in the summer! <33

Senara xxx