Photo of Prachur Khandelwal

Prachur Khandelwal

Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières: Treasurer

Hello, my name is Prachur Khandelwal, and I am a second-year medic with a strong passion for global health. My first exposure to this concept was in 11th grade when I volunteered with a global health organisation (FIMRC.) Through this enlightening opportunity, I learned more about healthcare in several countries such as the Dominican Republic, and the role of global health and global health policy. This passion aligns with FOMSF’s aims, and thus, I am very interested in joining and aiding in the running of this society.

I believe I would be a great candidate for this role due to my extensive past experiences with finances, from managing the finances of several Model United Conferences that hosted 200+ delegates each in my latter years of schooling to maintaining the budget sheet, obtaining sponsorships, and helping to create fundraising ideas for the Student Medaid London in the past year. The plethora of experiences has allowed me to develop the leadership, collaborative, communication and financial skills required to excel at this role.

As treasurer, I pledge to:

  • Actively help in the planning of all events in a financially feasible way
  • Strategically create a budget aligning with the committee’s goals and providing all members with excellent experiences.
  • Aid the fundraising officer in enhancing the revenue streams that would help contribute to the society’s noble efforts.

In conclusion, I humbly seek your support for my candidacy for Treasurer, and if elected, I guarantee I will try my level best to support the society further!