Photo of Yousuf Yaqub

Yousuf Yaqub

Surgical: Trauma Conference Chair

Hey guys!

I've been on Surg Soc for two years now; this year I've served as a Gen Exec, overseeing our Mock PACES and our (upcoming) Plastics Skills Day, and last year I was on the trauma subcomm as a personnel officer. I believe the experience that I've gained through these roles (as well as through organising national and international conferences through the Royal Society of Medicine as an executive committee member) would enable me to run a successful 2024 Trauma conference, building off the amazing work done by the 2023 team.

Things I would like to add to Trauma 2024:

- A new portfolio of innovative wet and dry workshops - this could be done by collaborating with national bodies such as the Royal College of Surgeons to ensure that delegates are getting access to the latest trauma training material

- International marketting push - this could be achieved by reaching out to international medical schools that Imperial has ties with including LKC in singapore, as well as using existing links with Professor Boffard and Miss Jennings to push to students in South Africa, and Dr. Mir to students in the US

- Exposure to emerging technology/future of trauma - as with all frontiers in medicine, trauma is a rapidly evolving field. I think delegates would benefit from exposure to the latest advances in the world of trauma, through talks/demonstrations from startups, as well as from individuals working to innovate within the space

Thanks guys :)