General Practice (ICSM): Publicity Officer


Ruhan Anand

Hi, I’m Ruhan, a 2nd year medical student, I would love to be your publicity officer for the upcoming year. Being a part of the oncology subcommittee and helping with this year’s surgical oncology conference, I spoke to the current publicity officer and he talked a little bit about what he did throughout the year, and the work he did really interests me. I’m interested in exploring my creative side ...

Kaaviya Thayalan

Hi, my name is Kaaviya! I am very interested in General Practice and would love to be more involved with this society! As the current Publicity Officer in Imperial General Practice Society and Secretary in Dermatology Society, I have developed great communication, organisational and time management skills, assisting with both smaller scale events, and flagship events, so I am well accustomed to the intricate planni ...

Akshaya Muthirulandi

Hi! I am Akshaya Muthirulandi, your future GP Society’s Publicity Officer. Having spent this previous year serving on subcommittee for Surgical Society, I have gained invaluable experience in being a part of the organising committee for the plastic surgery masterclass (coming soon) :) and helping recruiting mentors for the currently very popular mentorship scheme. This taught me the invaluable skill of networ ...

Janushana Sutharsan

I am Janushana, a third-year medical student, and I am standing for position of Publicity Officer for GP Society. I am interested in becoming a GP Society as GPs are usually the first point of contact for patients and are able to build a long-term rapport and provide continuity of care. Currently, I am Publicity Officer for both LMAP Society and Paediatric Society and I am also the Secretary for ICSM Teddy Bear Hosp ...