Photo of Amelia Farrow-Foster

Amelia Farrow-Foster

General Practice (ICSM): Treasurer

Hello! I'm Amelia, currently a third-year, and I would love to be GP society treasurer next year. I have really enjoyed my time on committee this year, as it has provided me with great networking opportunities and lots of experience in an academic society. I have also loved my GP placements over the last three years and hence general practice has become an interest of mine. I really love how in GP doctors are able to see such a range of conditions and this provides so many learning opportunities for the society. I also like how doctors are able to follow up the same patients regularly which is a quality not many specialties have.

As your treasurer next year I will help create the financial plan for the year, and I will aim do get this done efficiently so that as a society we can focus on running our events and tutorials. I will ensure that I complete all relevant training on eActivities so that I am well prepared to approve claims and use eActivites to my advantage. From my experience this year I will be well prepared to competently complete annual budget and help with the smooth running of our conference.

Overall I am looking forward to being part of the committee for GP Soc with helping out at events and tutorials as well as through my role as treasurer. I am excited to work with you all next year! Thank you!