Photo of Kishan Singh Sambhi

Kishan Singh Sambhi

DoCSoc: Vice President

T-Shirts. Socks. Tool Cards. Banners. Instagram Posts. WhatsApp Announcements.

These are just some of the things I’ve done as this year’s DoCSoc Marketing and Publicity Officer.

Now, I’m asking for your support to be Vice President.

Why this role?

Throughout my academic and personal life, I have always aimed to do the best I can for those around me, and my commitment to you knows no bounds. To this end, I’ve been a UTA, worked part-time on Scientia (I built colour themes & search!), made countless tools to help students in labs and have always been there to help.

Having spent 1 year on committee, I am already familiar with the scale of DoCSoc, alongside the associated Union processes, meaning I can quickly get up to speed as VP.

For leadership, I have led and co-ordinated sixteen different events, with an excellent track record of events and team management. This includes leading a 40+ volunteer task force for a charity week I conceived of and fought for.

What would I do?

As your VP, I’d run DoCSoc with kindness, listening to you and always looking to improve.

I'd take a data-driven approach to events, extending the work I’ve done as MPO. Decisions should be based on facts, not guesses.

When things go wrong, I’ll always make sure that the event goes ahead, no matter what needs doing.

Ultimately, I am dedicated to ensuring everything DoCSoc organises is fun and memorable. I would be honoured to have your support - vote Kishan!