Photo of Jon Hiew

Jon Hiew

Chemistry: Photographer

Hi everyone! I'm Jon a 1st Year, and running for ChemSoc Photographer position.

My favourite element is vibranium, if u know, you are a real one :). But my second favourite one is Mercury. Currently at the moment, my favourite strand of chemistry is inorganic chemistry, but that's probably going to change depending on exams. WISH ME LUCK!!!

I'm standing for this position, because I hope to help out ChemSoc through my dedicated Photographer position and also helping out the other ChemSoc rep team. I want to help ChemSoc continue being an amazing and thriving society where Chemists can enjoy time away from the buggy-microphone infested Pipard Lecture theatre or long tedious labs (*KINETICS*). Whether that be time in Chem Kitchen cooking up delicious chemical treats, fun games or movie nights, I want everyone to enjoy their time in Chemistry.

Thanks for taking the time to read my manifesto and hope you consider me for the position :)