Photo of Helen Wong

Helen Wong

Chemistry: Events Officer

Hello everyone! I am Helen, a second-year chemistry student looking to become your Events Officer.

As the current Newsletter Editor, I have been exposed to many of the exciting events ChemSoc has to offer and I would love to organise more of them for the upcoming academic year. My experience within ChemSoc provided me with insights into how to fulfil a committee position and work with the rest of the committee effectively. Through my position, I also have a general idea of the process behind organising events, which would allow me to integrate quickly into my role and the team.

I can work individually and with my peers to efficiently meet deadlines, a skill that I believe would benefit the position greatly. I can fulfil what is required of me and establish effective communication within a team to ensure a smooth collaborative process when completing tasks. I am also able to incorporate feedback as well as new ideas to make improvements on my work.

If I am elected as your Events Officer, I aim to:

  • Organise a large variety of events throughout the year so that there's something for everyone within our community.
  • Collect and act on feedback to improve the quality of future events.
  • Ensure that events like our annual ChemSoc Christmas Dinner run as smoothly as possible.