Photo of Charlotte Jeon

Charlotte Jeon

Biochemistry: Secretary

Dear Biochemistry Society Members,


I am Charlotte, a first-year Biochemistry student, and I am running to be your next Secretary. As Secretary, I aim to enhance communication and strengthen engagement within the society.

I hope to:

  • Promote student involvement in academic and social events through fun, informative regular email updates and newsletters.
  • Ensure efficiency and transparency by managing detailed meeting minutes and setting clear goals, creating a stress-free environment where every member is informed and involved in our society's activities.
  • Foster seamless collaboration within the committee by maintaining a comprehensive document outlining tasks and event plans, promoting engagement within the committee.
  • Facilitate opportunities for growth within the society by managing effective communication with the administration.

Why me?

  • With my experience in managing over 150 students as House Captain, I value communication and collaboration to contribute to the community positively.
  • As a former school Ambassador, I have experience in overseeing diverse teams and coordinating multiple tasks and timelines among individuals.
  • My diverse roles across several schools showcase my adaptability and I can guarantee a smooth transition into the role.

I believe that my experiences complement my capabilities to serve as your Secretary. With your support, I am committed to driving our society’s success with efficient organization. I will work with integrity and dedication to build a fun, vibrant, and dynamic community that inspires excellence and fosters collaboration in the Biochemistry Society.

Thank you. :)