Photo of Joshua Massey-Thompson

Joshua Massey-Thompson

Biochemistry: Secretary

TLDR; Vote for me please. I’ll be good (Trust Me Bro, 2024).

Hi everyone! I’m Josh, a second-year biochemistry student looking to be your secretary for next year. I won’t say I’ll be able to reply as quick as Bex Chrystall, or be as organised as Kurt, but I can promise every email makes you light up like GFP!

Using my experience as the Tour and Social Secretary for Triathlon I will be able to give my own spin to the emails. I’ll do this by sending a weekly update of everything going on in the Biochemistry Society and department plus any extra information or resources you may find helpful along your way. Whilst this may be the only part of my role you see; behind the scenes I will facilitate the work of each member of the committee. This will allow them to reach the potential of their roles, and ensure you benefit as much as possible from the committee’s work.

The chance to make my childhood dream a reality is within reach (becoming Imperial College Biochemistry Society Secretary); and I’m counting on you to make it come true! So I ask you to vote for me as your 2024 IC Biochem Soc Secretary!