Photo of Shimeah Mamaradlo

Shimeah Mamaradlo

Netball (ICSM): 3rd Team Captain

I am Shim, and I'm thrilled to apply for the role of 3s Netball Captain for the upcoming year. Inspired by the exemplary leadership of our past captains during my two years here, I'm eager to uphold their legacy. In my view, effective captains must possess a deep passion for netball with a relentless drive for improvement, all while fostering genuine connections within the team. I'm wholeheartedly committed to refining my skills both on and off the court, striving to not only enhance my own performance but also to inspire and lead my teammates effectively.

My qualifications involves attending numerous matches while bringing sour patch kids for morale. This involvement (sour patch kids) has granted me valuable insights into the sport's demands and the team's dynamics. As the captain, I'll prioritize attendance at training sessions, provide crucial guidance during intense match moments, and ensuring every player feels heard and supported. I am dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone's input is valued and utilized to drive our collective success.

Moreover, I am committed to ensuring fair play with umpires and ensuring every team member receives necessary attire, such as dresses. My aim is to give back to the club by leveraging my experiences and skills to strategize and unite our team effectively. I believe this role offers a significant opportunity for personal growth and I feel like this is such an important experience to embark on, especially in the best society, ICSM netball, so please vote for me!!