Photo of Beata Chui

Beata Chui

Badminton: Womens Captain

Hi everyone! I am Beata, currently a first year medic and I would like to run for women's captain in the next academic year!

Why would I like to go for women's captain?

  • Passionate towards badminton games
  • Hope to build a stronger team spirit

I have always enjoyed playing badminton, not only because it helps me to maintain a work life balance, but also it provides an opportunity for me to interact with my teammates, along with the fast-paced nature of the sport itself, badminton is truly an exciting sport. I hope to build a stronger team spirit, and make this journey a memorable experience for everyone.

Past experience in badminton team:

  • Vice captain
  • C grade captain
  • Team captain in tournaments

Having been the vice captain and grade captain of my previous school’s badminton team, I am experienced in leading teams during competitions, such as player selection and logistics arrangements.

What makes me a good captain?

  • Teamwork & leadership
  • Understanding and stay open-minded

I will ensure members understand their roles and responsibilities → increase their sense of belonging to the team.

Goals & aims:

  • Win every match!
  • Stay in premier league
  • Everyone enjoys badminton and form a strong bond with the team


  • Encourage teammates to attend trainings
  • Host coaching sessions
  • BUCS National arrangement (booking airbnb, transports, team selection etc)
  • Make trainings more enjoyable and rewarding!