Photo of Nicole Xu

Nicole Xu

UNICEF: Publicity Officer

Hi! I'm Nicole, a 2nd year Biomed student. I would like to be your Publicity Officer for UNICEF and promote the values and goals to student across Imperial and globally. I plan to use digital communication channels, newsletters and campus events to engage students and advocate UNICEF'S humanitarian efforts effectively. I hope to create engaging and informative content that highlights UNICEF'S impact on childrens' lives worldwide, showcasing success stories, campaigns and fundraising initiatives. I will establish partnerships with other socitis and local organisations to expand UNICEF's impact and reach. I will implement strategeis to encourage donations, sponsorships and participation to maximise contributions. I want to foster a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages creativity, innovation, and collaboration among team members to make the most out of outreach activties.

My experience in campaigning to fundraise for local charities throughout my time in school and at uni has provided me with the necessary marketing skills for publicity officer. I am experienced in analysing feedback and knowing how to apparoach the right target audience in order to create a successful campaign. I am comitted to working closely with other UNICEF memebers to ensure a cohesive apparoach that align with UNICEF's mission. I want to promote a community of support for UNICEF's global mission. VOTE FOR ME!