Photo of Bharath Sivakumar

Bharath Sivakumar

Chemical Engineering: Events Officer

Hey everyone! I’m Bharath and I would love to be your events officer. Chem Eng is a tough course, so it’s important to have some time off to unwind with your coursemates.

My aim is to host different sorts of activities on a frequent basis, from movie nights (with lots of pizza!) to pub crawls and ice skating. I will let you have a say in the decision-making so that we can host highly requested events by our members. I will also coordinate with other engineering departments at Imperial and other universities to hold friendly competitions and build a sense of camaraderie between us engineers.

Being part of the events subcommittee was a great experience to learn from the current officers and help organise events, and I’m eager to come up with and provide a whole array of different activities to bring us all together.

I believe that our department deserves nothing but the best events and I endeavour to meet that and to listen to your feedback to continually improve them.

Thank you very much for your consideration, and let’s make this year one to remember for ChemEngSoc!