Surgical: Treasurer


Anthony Sim

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Sudharshan Palaniappa

Hi everyone! My name is Sudharshan, and I am a second-year medical student who is running for the position of Treasurer in Surgical Society. Having attended multiple events organised by SurgSoc in the last year, I have become inspired to take up a bigger role in the society. As Treasurer, I could explore my interest in the field of surgery while contributing to the society through a position that best employs my ski ...

Haider Nazerali

Hi all! I'm Haider, the current ICSMSU President. I'm putting myself forward for the role of SurgSoc Treasurer so that I can contribute and support the running of the society next year. Treasurer is a primarily logistical role and I have a very substantial amount of experience in society finance - having spent a full year working for the Union, in addition to more than 25 other roles in my 5 years of ICSM so far, i ...

Dhruv Vasooja

Hey everyone, it's Dhruv Vasooja, and I'm applying for the Treasurer role in the Surgical Society! This year's journey with the Surgsoc Trauma Committee has been incredibly enriching, and I've gained a ton from actively helping out in various events throughout the year. While working on the event budget as the conference chair for my other roles, I realised the critical importance of monitoring cash flow and budgetin ...

Sachi Parikh

Hi everyone! I'm Sachi, currently a 3rd year medic, and I'm running to be Treasurer of Surgical Society! Through my time at Surgical Society as subcommittee and then General Executive I have developed my interpersonal and organisation skills. I now wish to take a step further and develop a new set of finance-related skills as Treasurer. As General Executive I have organised and run 3 events this year: Foundation ...