Photo of Bunga Hutasuhut

Bunga Hutasuhut

Indonesian: Vice President

Hello! Im Bunga, 2nd Year Biochemistry and Imperial Indosoc's current event organizer! Along with my partner Alisa, we have organized some this year's social events such as: CNY Lunch, Badminton social, Karaoke Night, Potluck dinner and Picnic at Hydepark. Being a part of the committee for the past year has familiarized me with how the system works along with its strengths and weaknesses. For the upcoming year, I am running for Vice President and here is why I seek your support:

I will put my all into supporting the future President and to ensure communication between committee and the society are well organized. I will initiate ideas for newsletters and social media posts that are not only carreer oriented but also keep members of the society updated on the latest news in Indonesia and Indonesians around the world.

As Indonesians, we are culturally a tight knit community and yet I believe Undergraduates and Postgraduate studying in Imperial do not interact as much. My mission is for all the Indonesians in Imperial, regardless of course and age, to be able to learn from each other, have fun, and to feel more at home in a foreign country. I have settled into my second year in Imperial feeling much more at home than I did in first year where I barely knew anyone from my home country that I could relate to.

My vision is for Indosoc to be a home for all Indonesians and all those interested in our culture. <3