Photo of Ayesha Duhra

Ayesha Duhra

Mahjong: Junior Treasurer

Hello, my name is Ayesha! I am currently one of Mahjong's technical instructors (some of you may have seen me during the weekly sessions). I learnt how to play during my first year at Imperial - it was a spontaneous decision to attend one of the mahjong sessions but it is a decision I am really glad I made. Mahjong has given me the opportunity to meet to so many different people so I would like to continue giving back to the society. In the next year I would love to continue helping the Imperial Mahjong Society grow and improve which is why I am running for Junior Treasurer. I believe that my knowledge of the society's activities and expenditure over the years will help me in this role and act as a strong foundation from which I can build off of when managing the society's spending. Having additional experience in committees for other societies I believe I have the skillset to apply for this role. I hope to continue the great work done this year through creating more opportunities for the members to enjoy sessions and unique socials by gaining more funding for the society. Thank you for your time and consideration!