Civil Engineering: Industrial Liaison Officer


Yong Gah Chong

Hi everyone, I'm Yong Gah, also known as Adam, and I'm currently a first-year student. I'm applying for the Industrial Liaison Officer position because I understand the challenges of securing career opportunities, and I'm passionate about enhancing the employability of our community. Based on my experience as an academic representative this year, I believe that my communication and organization skills will be valuabl ...

Agshaey Nishanthan

I'm Agshaey Nishanthan, thrilled to run for Civsoc's Industrial Liaison Officer. My vision is to bridge academia and industry, providing invaluable opportunities for professional growth. I aim to facilitate networking events, site visits, career workshops and guest lectures while forging partnerships for internships and job opportunities. I'll actively engage with industry professionals, providing resources and m ...

Salman Khalaf

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.