Photo of Yong Gah Chong

Yong Gah Chong

Civil Engineering: Industrial Liaison Officer

Hi everyone, I'm Yong Gah, also known as Adam, and I'm currently a first-year student. I'm applying for the Industrial Liaison Officer position because I understand the challenges of securing career opportunities, and I'm passionate about enhancing the employability of our community. Based on my experience as an academic representative this year, I believe that my communication and organization skills will be valuable for this role.

As Industrial Liaison Officer, I aim to establish and strengthen partnerships with industry professionals, organizations, and alumni to provide valuable networking opportunities for all students. Additionally, I'm committed to creating and promoting initiatives that support students in their career development journey, including workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs focused on resume building, interview skills, and job search strategies.

I will also serve as a liaison between academic institutions and industry partners, bridging the gap between theoretical learning and real-world applications to ensure students are well prepared for their careers. Operating with transparency and accountability, I'll prioritize the best interests of the club and its members in all activities, including budget management, decision making processes, and communication.

Thank you for considering me for this important role. Together, let's empower our community to achieve greater success in their professional endeavours.