Photo of Seyon Niranjan

Seyon Niranjan

Orchestra - Sinfonietta: Social Media Manager

My name's Seyon and I'm a second year chemist, and I've been the Social Media Manager for Sinfo for the past few months. I've ensured that all concert information gets out on time, both to socials and the website, to ensure we sell as many tickets as possible (and get more money for tour!) and have made sure that our social media projects us as the fun, friendly orchestra that we are. It's a role I've enjoyed a lot so far, especially because I get to encourage people to come to our concerts who may not have experienced much classical music before - and what better introduction to the genre than Sinfo?

If I'm re-elected, I plan to make our social media even more active by making fun TikToks and reels during the breaks at rehearsals, and by creating video introductions for our concerto soloists in the run-up to concerts to promote ticket sales even more.

Please vote for me so that Sinfo can have the best social media for another year!