Photo of Cameron Stibbard Hawkes

Cameron Stibbard Hawkes

Cross Country & Athletics: Hyde Park Relays Organiser

Hyde Park Relays is already renowned for being the fastest 5K in the UK.

But I believe we can go further.

If I’m lucky enough to be elected as a Hyde Park Relays organiser, I will make sure that the race becomes not only the UK’s fastest 5K, not only the world’s fastest 5K - but THE FASTEST (AND MOST FUN) 5K RELAY RACE IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

Details to follow! (see picture)

Additionally, I pledge that t-shirts and entry to the event will of course remain FREE OF CHARGE for all ICXCAC club members next year. And so will entry to the afterparty, which will be OUT OF THIS WORLD!

With your support, let’s take the UK’s best relay race INTERGALACTIC!