Photo of Thomas Frazzitta

Thomas Frazzitta

Fencing: Social Secretary

Hello everyone,

I'm Thomas and selecting me as your social sec might be one of the best decisions you'll ever make.

I would love to expand our horizons and provide more social events to meet people and make memories (we will most definitely be leathered, we will absolutely not remember) to make our uni experience more enjoyable

Events will (obviously) include numerous trips to our favourite place Slug, as well as big ACC pres and an assortment of other activities and general shenanigans. I will clearly be bringing my A game to every social and, with your help, we can make fencing a well known, social, fun society (also we are more likely to get more funding teehee)

If you like touching grass, fencing or simply having a good time, please vote for me during the elections

see you in slug,

Thomas Frazzitta