Photo of Henry Broxham

Henry Broxham

Yacht: Social Secretary

Hi! I'm Henry (in case you haven't had the 'pleasure') and despite being advanced in years I only joined the Yacht Club this year. However, I've had a great time both on trips and in the intervening London-based socials (many congratulations to the esteemed outgoing social sec). As an ex-rower I didn't actually realise sports clubs could be fun, but this year my world has been turned upside down....

For a club which only performs its nominal activity relatively few times a term I think it's especially important to have stuff going on the rest of the time, so to me socials are a central part of what the club does. If elected I hope to continue the fine variety of social events we have enjoyed this year; I'll even go to Blues Kitchen since for some reason people seem to like that. I also hope to arrange visits to other yacht clubs, primarily on the Isle of Wight (Seaview, Bembridge, Royal London), where I have a good relationship with several of the managers and hopefully will be able to get us a good deal!

In any case, if you want even more great socials and hopefully a few excursions (if Treasurer allows) please vote for me!