Photo of Miranda Jiang

Miranda Jiang

IQ (Imperial College LGBT+): Secretary

Hello everyone! I’m Miranda, a second year medical student, and I would love to be your secretary in the coming year!

IQ is one of the most impactful parts of my university experience, as I found the IQ community so welcoming and inclusive from the first day. I often find myself looking forward to the next IQ event, and am always excited at the idea of meeting new friends and spending time with everyone, especially in the unique safe and fun environment IQ is able to create. I had so much fun meeting everyone at different events, and I want to give back to this community that has supported me so much throughout my time at university.

I am the current QPOC officer of IQ, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my experience working on the committee. I have experience with organising both QPOC specific and general IQ events, contributing during our committee meetings, and helping with the logistics of helping the society run smoothly behind the scenes. As the IQ secretary, I hope to help keep the society organised and contribute wherever I am needed, helping us continue to host many fun events for everyone. I want to continue to contribute to an inclusive and supportive environment for everyone, and I am excited to support the smooth running of the society as the secretary of IQ.