Photo of Sama Al-Shawa

Sama Al-Shawa

Bio Engineering: Secretary

Hi! My name is Sama and I would love to be the Secretary to the Bioengineering Society. Throughout the year, I will be a proactive and effective secretary. I am organised, have a high attention to detail and enjoy problem solving.

My past experience as the Year 2 BME Academic Representative was paramount to preparing me for this role. I enhanced my collaborative, communication and interpersonal skills while working with other reps, students and liaising with professors and staff to optimise course content delivery, quality and eliminate errors. I honed my organisational skills, refined my time management and learned to rapidly solve problems and address issues raised by both students and professors.

This past experience has equipped me with the adequate skills to become a capable Secretary.

In my role as Secretary, I will focus on 3 objectives:

1- Optimising the administrative process: I will prioritise automating routine tasks and utilising a shared drive where documents involving meeting notes, planning documents and data will be securely stored and easily accessible by authorised members.

2- Strengthening internal communication: to foster a more connected society, I plan to organise regular meetings between committee members and routine emails and newsletters for society members.

3- Elevating our online presence: I aim to revitalise the social media presence by employing more engaging content highlighting the society's activities.

As the Secretary, I aim to make the Bioengineering Society run as smooth and seamlessly as possible. Thank you for your attention and consideration!