Photo of Eugene Law

Eugene Law

Yacht: Junior Treasurer

Hey everyone! I'm Eugene, currently a second year mechanical engineering student running for treasurer for this club next year.

I started with the club's cruising weekends this year and have been hooked by the sailing since, probably one of the best things I picked up in quite a while. Weekends on the boats are undoubtedly one of the best way to escape from the heavy work and meet new people. With that said, I would love to get involved even more with the club and take this opportunity of joining the committee this year to help keeping it running as great as ever.

After having a partly unwelcomed affair with MS Excel when working an unexpected role in accounting last summer, I have made myself too comfortable with admin, spreadsheets and money that isn't mine. I hope I can contribute more of this ability gained to the club that brought me and everyone great timesTM over the past year than to lose it to lab reports.

As a treasurer I will work towards refining grants and budgeting systems, maintaining affordable costs for trips. I will also try my very best to keep this club from insolvency and maintain surplus glory.

"Vote for me" -Confucius(maybe)