Photo of Pak Liu

Pak Liu

Snooker & Pool: Treasurer

Hi! I'm Pak, a first-year at Imperial. I'd like to start off by stating that I view committee roles as versatile, similar to Arteta's backline - everyone can put in a shift everywhere when needed.

Consequently, my all-rounded experience of running chess club as president instills a desire in me to help the committee not only as a treasurer, but offer contributions in all aspects of our team where possible.

During my secondary years, as President of the chess club, this involved working in conjunction with staff, and simultaneously taking on the role of a treasurer, this entailed deciding on yearly budgets and allocating these funds to subsidise tournament fees and purchasing equipment. I am therefore very experienced in handling such communications and expressing the needs of the society with regards to our budget in the upcoming year.

Unlike most other freshers, I have already worked in a committee at Imperial in my first term, being elected as secretary for Imperial's Krav Maga society. As a result, I am already familiar with the ins and outs of the online system with regards to managing the society and support a smoother transition into the new committee team this year.

As a committed member of this society and a passionate member of our sport, I'd like to support our society as much as possible, and run for treasurer.

Thank you