Photo of Tom Powell

Tom Powell

Boat: Treasurer

I’m T-Powell and I’ll be running for the prized position of treasurer for the 2024-2025 season. As treasurer, I will be the financial navigator of our club, weaving through columns and rows of the club spreadsheet, all while having the time to make it look pretty for the benefit of no one but myself (I do Geology okay) and steering us over the waves of budgeting and reimbursement by driving relations with the union. I will continue to make things cheaper and easier for students, without capsizing the budget (unlike the novices last year).

I believe I would fit the role of treasurer as I am organised, trustworthy and I am good with money management (I have never lost a game Monopoly as banker). My experience is, but definitely not limited to, financially funding and spending over 5,000 gems on Clash of Clans after Aksel told me I was rushed, and scamming Amazon chat bots for profit. Although I’m proud of my previous economic decisions, it’s time to embrace the use of real money for the benefit of all at the club.

Vote for me to keep our club afloat!